We are called Animals Can’t Talk Rescue and Adoption Inc (ACT). We are a 501c-3 corporation, and are an all volunteer organization.
We hope to help as many unwanted, lost and abused cats as we can with our limited resources. All are veterinarian checked, inoculated, treated (when necessary), spayed and neutered (our primary thrust) and cared for until adopted. ACT’s main objective is to find them good homes. We exist only on the kindness of your donations and adoptions.
We are always looking for volunteers who can work amiably with each other for the benefit of the animals.
We will speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

On a regular basis, volunteers clean cages, feed and maintain the health of the cats at the rescue at 1167 Woodland Drive, Penn Estates, East Stroudsburg, PA. At the Penn Estates address, the cats are housed in cages until: (1) their health is determined; (2) they get along with other cats. They become free roaming once they pass this stage.
Naomi Gauntlett, the president of ACT, began her endeavors as an animal rescue advocate approximately 30 years ago, first with Silent Animals Voices Echo (S.A.V.E.), then with Animals Can’t Talk, Inc., both based in Queens, New York.
Upon moving to Pennsylvania in 2003, Naomi continued her work volunteering with Second Chance Pet Adoption. When Second Chance was acquired by Camp Papillon, Naomi resigned and started Animals Can’t Talk Rescue and Adoption, Inc. From 2008-2021, ACT relocated cats into PetSmart in Stroudsburg, PA. Now, ACT cats are all housed at the owner’s house and can be seen by appointment.
Although a relatively new rescue, ACT has progressed rapidly. Funding has now become a major focus since it has been mainly financed by Naomi.
Our Vet: Barton Heights Veterinary Hospital http://www.bartonheights.com/